How To Fix Duduk Perkara With Adobe Bridge Replacing File Explorer As Default File Browser On Windows

In this tutorial we will be  looking at how to fix the persoalan of ADOBE BRIDGE replacing the windows file explorer as default file browser on your PC.This has been a serious persoalan to Adobe Product users which has cause them some inconvenience when trying to access files on windows explorer but today we are going to be fixing this persoalan that you normally encounter while using Adobe Products due to Adobe Bridge.

  replacing the windows file explorer as default file browser on your PC HOW TO FIX PROBLEM WITH ADOBE BRIDGE REPLACING FILE EXPLORER AS DEFAULT FILE BROWSER ON WINDOWS

Some of the Adobe Product that normally comes with this built in are listed below:

•    Adobe Photoshop
•    Adobe Premiere
•    Adobe After Effect
•    Adobe Encoder etc.

The essence of Adobe Bridge is to enable Adobe Product Users to easily browse files while working, but you find out that after double clicking on a folder instead of opening Windows file explorer, you will see Adobe Bridge opening up and it takes longer time to open when compare to normal file explorer on windows.


•    On double clicking it open instead of windows explorer
•    It takes longer time to open the files/folder
•    When you want to view file location it pop-up with a message showing some TimeBroker.exe out of time so you cannot access a kegiatan location on your system with the normal procedure etc.

Note: Adobe Bridge is very good product from Adobe for file browsing in the PC, its comes with some of the products as mentioned earlier for easy navigation. The latest version as for the date of this tutorial is Adobe Bridge CS6.

It does not have uninstall properties, it is embedded to some of their products for easy navigation but the essence of this tutorial is to disable it as default file browser when double click on a windows system. Having known about Adobe Bridge, let now take a tour on how to disable adobe bridge on our system as default file browser.


•    On your System Search for REGEDIT and right click on it to run as an administrator
•    Still on REGEDIT browse the folder HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
•    On HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Open the folder Directory
•    Still on the previous folder browse through Shell
•    On the folder Shell,you will find a folder name Bridge
•    Lastly delete this folder Bridge

Bravo that’s all if you have successfully follow the processes,then you are good to go.

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